
Showing posts from November, 2023

Onion for kabobs

  Celebrate flavor with the perfect addition to your kabobs: onions! Elevate your grilling game with this essential ingredient. Wondering how to cut an onion for kabobs ? Slice it into sizable chunks, ensuring they're big enough to stay intact while grilling yet small enough to thread onto skewers easily. This technique retains the onion's texture and adds a delightful charred taste to your skewers. Master the art of onion prep for kabobs, enhancing every bite with savory goodness. Don't miss out on this simple yet crucial step in creating kabobs that burst with flavor

The Battle of Nutritional Supplements: Balance of Nature vs. Juice Plus

 Are you torn between the ' balance of nature vs Juice Plus '? Let's juice out the facts! 🍏🥕 When it comes to health, the debate between whole foods like Balance of Nature and supplements like Juice Plus often arises. Balance of Nature prides itself on offering natural, whole-food supplements, harnessing the power of fruits and veggies without altering their composition. On the other hand, Juice Plus claims to bridge the nutritional gap by concentrating nutrients from various fruits and vegetables into convenient capsules. The key lies in the approach. Balance of Nature advocates for consuming fruits and vegetables in their natural form, ensuring you receive fibers, enzymes, and antioxidants intact. Conversely, Juice Plus emphasizes convenience, offering concentrated nutrients for those on-the-go but potentially missing out on the complete benefits of whole foods. While Juice Plus concentrates nutrients, it might lack the complex array of phytonutrients and fibers found i

what vegetables should not be juiced

Are you thinking about incorporating juicing into your daily routine for a healthier lifestyle? Juicing can be a fantastic way to boost your nutrient intake and enjoy a variety of fresh, tasty vegetables. However, not all vegetables are suitable for juicing. In this post, we'll explore the vegetables that you should avoid juicing and why. So here are what vegetables should not be juiced? Potatoes: Potatoes are starchy vegetables that don't yield much juice and can make your juice taste heavy and starchy. They are better enjoyed when cooked or baked. Sweet Potatoes: Similar to regular potatoes, sweet potatoes are starchy and not ideal for juicing. They are best prepared through other cooking methods to preserve their flavor and nutrients. Avocado: Avocado is a creamy, fatty fruit that won't juice well. Instead, it's better used in smoothies or salads, where its creamy texture can shine. Eggplant: Eggplants can be quite bitter, and their skin and seeds may contain certain

What are the rules for juicing?

 Juicing is a fantastic way to boost your nutrition, but there are a few rules to follow for the best results. First, prioritize fresh, organic produce to minimize pesticides. Next, aim for a balanced mix of fruits and vegetables to avoid excessive sugar intake. Remember, the juice should complement your diet, not replace whole foods. Also, consume your juice shortly after preparation to maximize freshness and nutrient retention. Finally, be cautious with vegetables like potatoes and avocados, which are best enjoyed whole, as they don't juice well. So, what vegetables should not be juiced ? Potatoes and avocados are two prime examples to keep in mind.